Powys Family Collection
John Cowper Powys
- Autobiography. Holograph ms.
- Dostoievsky. Holograph ms.
- Glastonbury Romance. Typescript.
- Morwyn, or the Vengeance of God. Typescripts, Parts I - IV.
- Porius. Typescript.
- Real Wraiths. Holograph ms.
- Two and Two. Holograph ms.
- You and Me. Holograph ms.
A number of shorter JCP manuscripts are not listed here.
Major correspondences include Marian Powys, Louis Wilkinson, John Redwood Anderson, E. H. Visiak, Tim Hart, as well as numerous smaller correspondences to family members and others.
Theodore F. Powys
- Fables. Holograph ms.
- "The Lost Proof." Typescript.
- Louis Wilkinson.
Llewelyn Powys
- African Wisdom. Holograph ms.
- Swiss Essays. Typescript.
- Louis Wilkinson.
The Powys Family Collection also contains family correspondence, letters from Louis Wilkinson to family members, and other miscellaneous correspondence related to the Powys family.