Special Collections & University Archives Instruction

Special Collections & University Archives provides instruction in a range of disciplines and subjects. Primary source instruction is a central part of our mission, and we strive to reach as many students/patrons as possible through classroom instruction sessions.

Our library faculty work with teaching faculty to tailor classroom sessions to complement their course. We use elements of backward design to craft sessions that use active learning, peer to peer learning, small group discussion, and other methods to engage students with primary source materials. This may include creating in-class assignments that connect to course learning goals, co-developing course assignments using Special Collections & University Archives materials, or providing materials and guidance to students for independent research. You can learn more about our pedagogical approach and view material lists used for previous classes on the SCUA Instruction LibGuide.

Scheduling an Instruction Session or Consultation

Faculty wishing to schedule course-related instruction should contact Xena Becker, Special Collections Librarian, or Chloe Walker, Assistant Archivist. Sessions may be scheduled for regular class meeting times or as an additional class; the professor must be present for the session. Classes are held in one of the library seminar rooms or in the Batza Room (Case 560).

We look forward to working with you!