Books from the regular circulating collections in both CASE and COOLEY that are available for checkout (see yellow highlighted section in screen shot below) may be requested and picked up at the Case 3rd Floor Vestibule.
To request an item, first click on its title (circled in orange below)
Verify that the book is what you need on the next page by reviewing the bibliographic information. To request, click on the “Request” button (circled below in orange)
If prompted, log in with your Colgate network ID and password.
Enter a date after which you will no longer need us to fill the title if it is not currently available, and click Submit. If the item is available to loan, you should see a confirmation message. If the item is non-circulating, you may see a message stating it cannot be requested.
You will be notified via email when your materials are available for pickup.
Note: The system will allow you to request materials that are already checked out, to be held when they are checked back in. Because we are extending our due dates and do not anticipate any materials being returned in the near future, please do not rely on receiving any materials that aren’t currently marked as “Available.”