Case Library & Geyer Center for Information Technology Faculty Carrel Policy
We have established a policy for carrel assignments with the advice and consent of the Faculty Library Advisory Committee and with the approval of the Dean of the Faculty. The policy recognizes the primary need for quiet, uninterrupted campus work space for faculty who are on leave and without suitable departmental office space and for pre-tenure faculty doing research. It is designed to give all faculty an opportunity to have access to a limited resource, while maintaining the priority to privilege faculty without offices and pre-tenure faculty. The University Librarian approves all faculty research carrel assignments.
Carrel requests will be made using a simple online form.
Faculty Carrel Policy
- Carrels are assigned only to Colgate faculty members.
- Applications for carrels are made electronically on the library's website.
- Faculty on sabbatical or research leave in the next 18 months receive priority if office space will be lost.
- As carrels become available they will be assigned in the order in which applications have been received to faculty who will lose office space. If unassigned carrels remain after all faculty who will lose office space have received a carrel assignment, remaining carrels will be assigned to other faculty in the order in which applications have been received.
- Carrels are assigned three times yearly as they become available: fall semester, spring semester, and summer. If all carrels are assigned, names will be kept on a waiting list for future assignment.
- Carrels are assigned one semester or summer at a time and can be renewed up to five times. Before the end of each semester, all carrel holders will receive an email notifying them of the end of the assignment period. If the assignment is eligible for renewal, carrel holders may do so using their My Library Account or by stopping at the Case Borrowing Services Desk.
Exception: If there are more faculty who will lose office space in the coming semester than there are vacant carrels, it may be necessary to deny renewal by one or more otherwise eligible faculty occupying carrels. Preference in renewal will be given to faculty who have occupied a carrel for the shortest amount of time. - Carrels not renewed or not eligible for renewal must be cleared of materials by the assignment expiration date and will be reassigned to a person on the waiting list. Library staff will remove materials left in carrels beyond the expiration date.
- Faculty who must vacate a carrel for a semester or summer because of off-campus study group responsibilities, leave, or summer travel may reoccupy the carrel upon return. The carrel may be temporarily assigned to another faculty member in the interim and must be cleared for that purpose.
- Use of carrels is subject to policies on the use of library public spaces, including policies regarding noise and food.
- All library materials left in the carrels overnight must first be checked out at the Borrowing Services Desk. Items not checked out will be removed and reshelved. Random checks by library staff for items not checked out will be made throughout the semester.
- No office hours should be scheduled in library faculty carrels.
- Sign-in Procedures: All carrels have a keyed entry. Faculty must stop at the Borrowing Services Desk to sign out the key daily. All keys must be returned to the Borrowing Services Desk prior to departure from the building.
- A faculty member may authorize a research assistant to use the carrel by notifying the Circulation Superviser (x7301). Use by a research assistant should be limited to use that is in direct support of the faculty member's research. Carrels are not intended to be used as office space for research assistants. Carrel keys will be given out only to the faculty member assigned to the carrel or a research assistant authorized to use it.
- Library, custodial, campus safety, and other University staff may enter carrels as necessary for the performance of their duties.
- A carrel not used for a period of one month by the faculty member to whom it is assigned will be considered vacant and ready for reassignment. Use by research assistants or others authorized to use the carrel is not counted as a use for this purpose.
- At the discretion of the library a carrel may be reassigned if the currently assigned person uses the carrel in violation of library or university policy.
- PLEASE KEEP YOUR CARREL LOCKED WHEN NOT IN USE. The library is not responsible for lost items.