Medieval and Early Modern Sources Online – MEMSO
Digital library of historical sources for the history of Britain and Ireland in the medieval and early modern periods to the late 18th century. |
1100-1800 |
Medieval Travel Writing |
1200-1400 |
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England |
1272-1509 |
Medieval Family Life |
1369-1500 |
Women`s Writers Project |
1400-1850 |
Age of Exploration |
1420-1920 |
Defining Gender |
1465-1917 |
Early English Books Online (EEBO)
Pollard and Redgrave, Wing Short Title Catalog |
1478-1700 |
Slavery, Abolition & Social Justice |
1490-2007 |
Sabin Americana
Digital library of works written or published in the United States, as well as items printed elsewhere, that document the history of the Americas |
1492-1926 |
Empire Online |
1492-1969 |
European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750
European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed in Europe Relating to the Americas, 1676-1700
(bibliography only - full text may be availalbe in EEBO, ECCO, or other resources) |
1493-1750 |
American History 1493-1945 |
1493-1945 |
Slavery and Anti-slavery:
a Transnational Archive Part 1 - 4:
Debates over Slavery and Abolition, Slave Trade in the Atlantic, the Institution of Slavery |
1500-1984 |
AM Explorer
Search all the Adam Matthew Primary Source databases |
1500-2000 |
Food and Drink in History |
1514-2015 |
Cecil Papers
Documents relating to English domestic and foreign politics |
1520-1668 |
Gerritsen Collection of Aletta H. Jacobs (Women's Studies) |
1543-1945 |
Perdita Manuscripts (early women's manuscripts) |
1545-1875 |
Virginia Company Archives |
1550-1739 |
Grand Tour |
1550-1850 |
American Indian Histories and Cultures |
1550-2000 |
Literary Print Culture : the Stationers' Company Archive, 1554-2007 |
1554-2007 |
Victorian Popular Culture |
1584-1978 |
Confidential Print: Latin America |
1597-1969 |
East India Company |
1599-1947 |
Eighteenth Century Drama: Censorship, Society and the Stage |
1599-1830 |
17th - 18th Century Burney Newspaper Collection |
1600-1800 |
Electronic Enlightenment |
1600-1900 |
Women and Social Movements in the United States |
1600-2000 |
Gale Primary Sources
Search all the Gale Primary Sources and Archives Unbound |
1600-2000 |
Ancestry Library |
1600-2000 |
Global Commodities |
1600-2010 |
Colonial America |
1606-1822 |
India, Raj and Empire |
1617-1945 |
Oxford African American Studies Center |
1619-1895 |
Migration to New Worlds |
1621-2014 |
America's Historic Imprints
(Early American Imprints - Evans and Shaw-Shoemaker) |
1639-1820 |
London Low Life |
1646-1939 |
China, America and the Pacific |
1648-2000 |
Early American Newspapers |
1649-1928 |
Frontier Life: Borderlands, Settlements,& Colonial Encounters |
1650-1920 |
Jewish Life in America |
1654-1954 |
Literary Manuscripts : 17th and 18th Century Poetry from the Brotherton Library |
1660-1830 |
Shakespeare in Performance |
1660-1984 |
British Periodicals Collection 1 |
1681-1937 |
Eighteenth Century Journals |
1685-1835 |
American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals |
1691-1877 |
Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) |
1700-1800 |
Romanticism: Life, Literature and Landscape |
1700-1841 |
Library of Congress Digital Collections
Digitized collections sponsored by the Library of Congress (formerly American Memory Project) |
1700-present |
Archives Unbound 300 archives (listed by subject) - search using Gale Primary Sources |
1700-2000s |
Accessible Archives Complete |
1700s-1920 |
Founders Online |
1706-1836 |
Caribbean Newspapers |
1718-1876 |
Rotunda's Americas Founding Era
Writings of the early U.S. Presidents |
1730-1920 |
British Library Newspapers (Part IV: 1732-1950) |
1732-1950 |
China: Culture and Society |
1750-1929 |
Founders Online
Writings of the early founders of the U.S. from the National Archive |
1748-1836 |
NewspaperArchive - New York State Newspapers
includes the Syracuse Post Standard and predecessors |
1753-present |
America and Great Britain: Diplomatic Relations
Diplomatic correspondence between the United States and Great Britain |
1775-1845 |
Women's Studies Archive - Women's Issues and Identities |
1775-1998 |
Times of London |
1785-2006 |
Proquest Congressional |
1789-present |
C19 - The Nineteenth Century Index - Includes Pooles and Wellesley Indexes
(no full text - index only) |
1790-1919 |
China: Trade, Politics, and Culture |
1793-2000 |
Popular Medicine in America 1800-1900 |
1800-1900 |
Everyday Life and Women in America |
1800-1920 |
World Newspaper Archives - African Newspapers |
1800-1922 |
Literary Manuscripts : 17th and 18th Century Poetry from the Brotherton Library |
1800-1928 |
American West |
1800-1950 |
Oxford Islamic Studies Online |
1800-2000 |
Archives Unbound (search through Gale Primary Sources interface) |
1800-2000s |
Digtial Public Library of America |
1800-present |
Gender: Identity and Social Change |
1803-2010 |
County and Regional Histories & Atlases: New York (Gale) |
1804-1966 |
Church Missionary Society Periodicals |
1804-2010 |
World Newspaper Archives - Latin American Newspapers |
1805-1922 |
Travel Writing, Spectacle and World History |
1818-1972 |
Confidential Print: Middle East |
1820-1970 |
Confidential Print: North America |
1824-1961 |
Proquest Congressional Hearings and Digital Research Collections (content is available within Proquest Congressional) |
1824-1990 |
African American Newspapers: 19th Century |
1827-1862 |
African American Newspapers - 1827-1998 |
1827-1998 |
American Indian Newspapers |
1828-2011 |
World's Fairs |
1829-2015 |
Times of India |
1838-2001 |
Confidential Print: Africa |
1834-1966 |
Punch Historical Archive |
1841-1992 |
Illustrated London News |
1842-2003 |
Medical Services and Warfare |
1845-1965 |
Chicago Tribune |
1849-1986 |
Trade Catalogues and the American Home |
1850-1950 |
Leisure, Travel and Mass Culture: the History of Tourism |
1850-1980 |
New York Times |
1851-3 years ago |
British documents on foreign affairs
Reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential (print only) |
1856-1956 |
Harper's Week |
1857-1912 |
Meiji Japan |
1858-1925 |
African American Communities |
1860-1985 |
Foreign Relations of the United States (within HeinOnline Goverment, Politics and Law Collection) |
1861-1988 (new vols released as available) |
Sex & Sexuality : Research Collections from the Kinsey Institute Library and Special Collections |
1863-2015 |
Nation Digital Archive |
1865-1 year ago |
American County Histories to 1900. New York Pt. 4 North |
1800s - early 1900s |
Women Working, 1870-1930 |
1870-1930 |
Los Angeles Times -Proquest Historical Newspapers |
1881-2010 |
National Geographic Magazine Digital Archive |
1888-1994 |
First World War Portal |
1890-1920 |
J. Walter Thompson: Advertising America |
1890-2006 |
Digital National Security Archive
Declassified government documents |
1900-present |
Rand Daily Mail |
1902-1985 |
Women in The National Archives, Kew |
1903-1962 |
Ethnomusicology, Global Field Recordings |
1905-2019 |
NAACP Papers |
1909-1972 |
Left of Liberalism - Marxist-Socialist Newspapers |
1911-2015 |
Pravda Digital Archive
(in Russian)
1912-present |
Arab-Israeli Relations, 1917-1970 |
1917-1970 |
Socialism on Film : The Cold War and International Propaganda |
1918- 1989 |
Foreign Office Files for Japan |
1919-1952 |
Foreign Office Files for China |
1919-1980 |
Chatham House Online Archive: 1920-1979 |
1920-1979 |
Race Relations in America |
1928-1976 |
Jerusalem Post Historical Newspaper |
1932-1988 |
Market Research and American Business 1935-1965 |
1935-1965 |
Mass Observation Online |
1937-1965 |
Service Newspapers of World War Two |
1937-1948 |
America in World War Two : Oral Histories and Personal Accounts |
1939-1949 |
Archives of Sexuality and Identity, LGBTQ history and culture since 1940 |
1940-present |
Associated Press - US Cities Bureaus/ Middle East Bureaus |
1944-2000s |
Foreign Relations of the United States (Office of the Historian) |
1945-1988 |
Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan |
1947-1980 |
Apartheid South Africa 1948-1980 |
1948-1980 |
Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950--1975 : Rock and Roll, Counterculture, Peace and Protest |
1950-1975 |
Independent Voices
Alternative press produced by feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, the extreme right-wing press |
1950-present |
Macmillan Cabinet Papers |
1957-1963 |
Nixon Years |
1969-1974 |
Foreign Office Files for the Middle East 1971-1981 |
1971-1981 |
Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports 1974-1996 |
1974-1996 |
World News Connection |
2006-2013 |